The Beaverton PE Showcase is one of my favorite evenings of the school year.
Here is the application for 4th and 5th graders. It is loaded with information. Look for more info below the application.
Hundreds of Beaverton elementary students representing their school's PE programs.
Thousands of spectators in the stands.
Students perform snippets of activities they do in their PE classes.
Community members and parents can see a small snippet of what goes on in today's PE programs.
Here is last year's Sexton Mt. PE Showcase team...
Looking for 16-20 4th and 5th grade students who love PE, enjoy being physical active, and would welcome a chance to perform in front of a large crowd.
Applications are due Friday, February 28. The PE Showcase team will be announced on Monday, March 3. The team will practice during school hours.
The 2014 Beaverton PE Showcase is on Thursday, March 20 at Sunset HS from 6:30-8:00.
Let me know if you have any questions!